Monday, February 18, 2013

On Seeing Pied Oystercatchers

Black and white birds of orange bills and orange feet of human kind quite shy
And quite beautiful to look at they walk more than they fly
Known as pied Oystercatchers from oyster shells they take the meat
And sand flies and sea lice they find amongst the sea weed they also like to eat
Birds one does not see often at least not every day
Their flute like notes quite beautiful and distinctive one might say
Amongst other sea side waders easy to recognize
To distinguish them from other sea birds does not take discerning eyes
Alone or in pairs or small flocks not gregarious in any way
I've never seen them far from the ocean shore by saltwater they like to stay
Inconspicuous by their shyness birds of the ocean shore
As they fly you hear them whistle above where the surf waves roar
I've yet to see them in large numbers though they are not considered to be rare
And of the threat from humans and their dogs they seem all too aware

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