Monday, February 25, 2013

What Others Think

What others think of the stuff I pen is surely their business not mine
If they do praise or dispraise my writing efforts either way it does suit me fine
As long as they criticize the stuff I write and not try to demonize me
I will not take offence at their comments as long as they speak truthfully
I never criticize others writings for that the critics do get paid
And far too many amateur critics already in the Wordsmith trade
I have my opinions on poetry but my opinions are my own
Even by the style of writing one writes in his or her preference of writing is known
I have been asked for my opinions on their poems by others their efforts I only can praise
The Wordsmith trade need all of it's writers and kind words the sagging hopes can raise
Not everyone can become a poet laureate and not everyone can win a big literary prize
Some people give unsolicited derogatory comments such people are not very wise
We all look at things very differently we see life through different eyes
And if I have hurted anyone's feelings with my comments to that person I apologize.

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