Monday, September 26, 2011


On back of lorry at Millstreet Town Square I first saw the gray haired man
Speaking on behalf of Jimmy Connors when Jimmy for the Council ran
He introduced himself as Densy Buckley better known as 'Dogs' he said
And those who could not laugh that morning of all humor must be dead.

In the audience that morning not one sad face to be found
There was humor in his satire and much laughter all around,
He was larger than life Densy I still picture him today
And I still laugh when I remember the funny things he had to say.

Not born to be a Politician for Politicians can't be made
And he was too straight forward he called a spade a spade,
Politicians are evasive and their feelings they can hide
He was more of a comedian for he had a humorous side.

Only knew him as an old man when his hair was silvery gray
And Densy Buckley gone forever in eternal rest he lay
But he will always be remembered and the memory will remain
Of a very humorous fellow who was born to entertain.

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