Sunday, January 20, 2013

We Read And Hear Too Much

Far too much of war and terrorism we read of and hear
That gives rise to suspicion and mistrust and fear
Of those of different gender and race
In the World for such there should not be a place.

This Planet with other races we share
But in a World where gun lobbyist are as ever not rare
The lives of those different we look on as cheap
But in Karma what we sow we also do reap.

We read of and hear too much of terrorists and men of war
They have taken their hatred of those they see as different too far
The numbers of the conflict victims escalate
In post conflict years in crimes of hate.

From past mistakes we have not learned at all
For conflict life is too short and the World is too small
We dislike some we do not even know
And dislike to hatred as we know can grow.

For war more than one is to blame
And conflict gives rise to crimes of shame
Lets hear and read more of those who promote peace instead
Of war men who pride in their war dead.

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