Sunday, January 27, 2013

Always There's Some By Law

You may be a good person of which there's little doubt
But always there's some by law that's bound to catch you out
You think you've put enough money in the parking meter but your watch is running slow
And when you return to your car an hour later the look of surprise on your face show
Under the wiper on the windscreen a parking ticket you see
A fine of eighty dollars for your oversight how cruel life can be
The by laws officer had been around for compassion one not known
For printing parking tickets for Local Government Bureaucracies his or her good reputation has grown
You are a law abiding citizen and by the law try to do the right thing
And your praises for your honesty those who know you do sing
But the by law parking officers do not see it that way
They must keep printing tickets for to justify their pay
You are an honest person the law intentionally you would never break
And now you must pay eighty dollars for your innocent mistake.

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