Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Of Nature It Has Always Seemed To Me

I can tell the difference between a finch and a crow
But few things about Nature I can claim to know
Yet learning of her creatures I thoroughly enjoy
And I've always loved her since I was a boy.

The more I learn about Nature the more I realize
That she is one who never ceases to surprise
And so little of her I can claim to know
Yet every day my wonder of her grow.

From Nature we learn new things every day
But her secrets from us she does hide away
It is not for a sense of joy the bird does sing
Since song to him is a territorial thing.

I can tell a wombat from a kangaroo
Or a kookaburra from a cockatoo
But of Nature it has always seemed to me
That there is more to her far more than the eyes can see.

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