Monday, January 28, 2013

His Name It Was John Clare

On natural science or on horticulture or on ornithology
Or on botany or on environmental studies he did not have a degree
And though he died in a mental asylum one hundred and forty four years ago
He knew more about Nature than most today can claim to know
Of Nature poets of the English language he is arguably the best
Despite the changing face of poetry his poems withstand the time test
A herdboy from Helpston in England his name it was John Clare
With the classic poets of his time he favourably does compare
As he himself said ' I found my poems in the fields and only wrote them down'
The only one from Helpston who lives in literary renown
One who proved that to write marvellous poetry one does not need a degree
In Nature Poetry of the English language was or is there a greater poet than he?
The one who gave us poems such as 'The Thrush's Nest' 'Badger' and 'Clock A Clay'
Was forgotten in his lifetime but is a poetic legend of today.

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