Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Do Not Pity Those

Do not pity those in the ground of the dead
Since they are at peace now of them that can be said
Their worries behind them and at peace they lay
Like leaves of the Autumn in Nature's decay
There is life after bodily death if you believe all you read of and hear
But 'tis only the fear of dying that we do fear
But since most religious people do not wish to die
Do they secretly fear life after death may be based on a lie?
I would like to live for as long as I can
And die in my sleep as a very old man
And though to the father of time we eventually must bow
The only life one can be sure of is in the here and the now
But do not pity those who are resting at peace
From life's cares and worries they have had their release.

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