Sunday, January 20, 2013

In Knowledge For My Age

In knowledge for my age I've little to show
Of life and of Nature so little I know
At school for to learn things I did seem quite slow
Though I could tell a magpie apart from a crow.

In Millstreet my Hometown in primary school
I was one who did sit on the dunce's stool
I hated going to school as I can recall
And in learning I had little interest at all.

The boy of the fifties is an aging man
And nearing the twilight of his living span
Yet as I've grown older I've come to realize
That I am not very knowledgeable or not very wise.

The wonders of Nature does captivate me
And every day things of great beauty I see
Yet Nature her secrets with me never share
And of how little I know of her I am aware.

The biological clock ticks on and time is our foe
And the Seasons to my life they come and they go
My ego is big and my memory bank small
And from living i have learned little at all.

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