Saturday, January 19, 2013

The Good Or Bad In Us

The good or bad in us in death we leave behind
The decent remembered for being good and kind
The creative remembered for what they did create
But the despotic criminal none celebrate.

The gift of life you've been granted use well if you can
And without harming others live out your life span
At the opportunity of doing good do answer the call
And stay true to the spirit in the fair go for all.

Many condemned by circumstance to an existence of hell
And only sad stories of their lives they can tell
Many cannot rise above their poverty though hard some do try
Why this ought to be I do ask myself why?

Like the Seasons of Nature to life we come to and from go
Though of life and of Nature little I can claim to know
Any talk of human immortality only based on a lie
Since the good and the bad are only born to die.

And whether you die young or live to be old as a long lived cockatoo
Live as good as you can that is all you can do
And for the feelings of others respect always pay
And from one in need of help never turn away.

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