Friday, November 30, 2012

The Ice Bear

Global warming is claiming the great white ice bear
Due to less ice to hunt on they are becoming rare
Seals for them becoming harder to catch so of hunger they die
Global Warming is for real and that's not a lie.

Global Warming is for real and seems out of control
The burning of fossil fuels on the environment is taking toll
We are making the World for ourselves difficult to live in
Our abuse of the Planet for us could prove a fatal sin.

For our pollution of our environment the price huge to pay
We could be the instigators of our demise that does seem sad to say
The sky o'er the city with smog clouds are gray
The fate of the polar bear could be our fate one day.

With the onset of Global Warming changes are happening fast
The great Arctic ice bear may soon be of the past
What we do to our environment to ourselves we do
We create our reality so happens to be true.

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