Wednesday, November 28, 2012

A Beautiful To Look At Woman

A beautiful to look at woman with blond hair and pretty blue eyes
That many young males are attracted to her does not at all seem a surprise
But male admirers swell the female ego of her beauty she is aware
She is a very vain young woman though people like her are not rare.

Known as 'The Local Pin Up Girl' the one who stands out in the crowd
As she walks the street her head held high she does look so snobbish and proud
In her mid twenties in her prime and single perhaps none for her seems good enough
She is waiting for Mr Perfect the one not in any way rough.

But for Mr Perfect she'll be waiting or she will have to move to elsewhere
To find one who does seem quite special in the bigger World out there
The local young males that she knows of do not seem to interest her at all
She sees them as rough around the edges their interests in booze and football

 She is such a beautiful woman but of her beauty she is aware
For her type it is hard to be humble the unconceited beauties seem rare
The single young local males not to her liking though many of them fancy her in a big way
Her dream man not anywhere local that's life as some are known to say.

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