Friday, January 18, 2013

Tomorrow Will Dawn

Tomorrow will dawn but only for some
Tomorrow for many it will never come
For everyone there is a last night and day
The clock on our lives it keeps ticking away.

Tomorrow will dawn to the first day of Spring
But tomorrow the funeral bell for someone will ring
And tomorrow a new born baby will cry
And the pee wee will sing in the parkland nearby.

The Spring will arrive in the southern breeze
That rustles and soughs in the bushes and trees
At midnight on her silent wings she will fly
From suburb to suburb in the darkened sky.

Tomorrow will dawn but not for old Jim
The Reaper today claimed the life's breath from him
But Joan his neighbour this evening gave birth to a baby boy
In life there is coldness and sadness and joy.

Tomorrow will dawn and at the rising of the sun
To their place of work people will drive, cycle, walk or run
And Spring will be here and life will go on
Yes tomorrow will come and today will be gone.

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