Sunday, January 20, 2013

One's Addictive Behavior

To alcohol he lost his young daughter and wife
He says they were not wrong to walk out of his life
For addictive behavior the price one must pay
And he is one person who sees it this way.

To keep on drinking alcohol the choice he did make
Though he knew in his heart that this was a mistake
He made the wrong choice with his marriage at stake
One's addictive behavior can cause others heartbreak.

One's addictive behavior can come at a huge cost
With abuse of health and broken marriages so much to be lost
An addiction of any sort is not a good thing
And the praises of addictive behavior you won't hear many sing.

For the break up of his marriage his wife he does not blame
Though that he chose alcohol above her and their daughter does cause him some shame
But at conquering an addiction few seem to succeed
'Tis a human frailty the weakness of need.

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