Monday, June 25, 2012

You Will Find

You will find every human being has some story to tell
Of a life of great happiness or of a life of hell
One born to be a pauper and one born to be a millionaire
Yet despite our different lifestyles things in common we share,
We all have one thing in common one day we will grow old
And it will not matter to us if our life story is never told
When we die as we all must what will it matter to us then
If we are of the forgotten deceased women and men,
Caesar ruled an empire he conquered far from Rome
But was he any greater than the one who stayed at home
And worked to raise his children and provide for his wife
And never harmed anyone and led a quiet life
And though the reaper claims the anonymous one and the reaper claims the great
Of their life every human being has a story to relate.

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