Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Jude Jordan

As a ward of the State of Victoria no respect to her was shown
And the story of her tragic life is becoming well known
Violated by her so called mentors even before she was a teen
Some who profess to be men of god are morally unclean.

In the life story of Jude Jordan there is sorrow and heart break
And three months short off of her sixtieth birthday her own
life she did take
Her innocence was stolen from her in such a brutal way
But for those who do such awful things their price is huge to pay.

One might say of Jude Jordan that she did not have a fair go
A childhood of physical and sexual abuse she only was to know
The sapling damaged by the wind grows into a stunted tree
And of her traumas of her past poor Jude was never free.

A happy and carefree childhood she was not to enjoy
And she could not lead a normal life though quite hard she did try
And people like her do not have happy memories to recall
And there was never such a thing as a fair go for all.

The circumstances of one's birth their future can decide
And any chance of life's success to young Jude was denied
Her past she could not put behind her though hard enough she tried
And the uphill climb for her too tough she fell by the wayside.

Her so called mentors preyed on her they were callous and cold
And the life story of Jude Jordan is one that should be told
If there is a life hereafter she is in a better place
Whilst all of those who had violated her are forever in disgrace.

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