Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Birds Of A Feather

John Howard the Prime Minister of Australia popular with conservative Australians and George W Bush the President of the U S A
Invited him and his wife Janette to join him and his wife Barbara for a night and a day
With them in their Texas ranch such a compliment to them to pay
Still birds of a feather flock together wise people have been known to say.

It has been said that the Bushes and the Howards enjoyed a Texan barbecue
And the meat they ate was Texan steer and not Aussie kangaroo
And their drinks the most expensive drinks for which they did not pay
The bill of course sent to the taxpayers of the U S of  A

Doubtless they did discuss Iraq and their great victory there
But of the deaths and sufferings and destruction they would not feel aware
And that Saddam and his sons escaped with the loot seemed much to their regret
But they assured each other that we will get them yet.

The Texan and his little Aussie mate in common most things share
Two conservative so called good christians their type were never rare
They only serve the well to do the financially secure
And they could not even try for to understand what it feels like to be poor.

John and Janette will long recall their brief and happy stay
With the First Lady and the President of the U S of A
And on their way back home they paid a call on Tony and Cheri Blair
In the so called victory in Iraq another major player.

Birds of a feather flock together and together will fly
And to the leaders of the so called coalition of the willing those words surely apply
And the praises nowadays often sung of those who gave so many liberty
Though many in Afgahanistan and Iraq will tell you differently.

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