Thursday, March 29, 2012

What's Life About

What's life about apart from care and stress
And our search for elusive happiness
And our constant yearning for wealth and power and fame
And the pride at having a successful name.

What's life about apart from love of greed
And always thinking of our self and our own need
Yet at the end we fade away and die
What's life about if life we cannot enjoy.

What's life about ask one wiser than I
The clock ticks on and time goes quickly by
With hair dye we may cloak our ageing gray
But each new dawn nearer to our final day.

What's life about since death will be our fate
Yet we desire in the flesh our own image to create
'Tis Nature's reason for our sexual drive
That through our children our genes will survive.

What's life about I wouldn't even know
I've seen so many Seasons come and go
Yet life is so brief and death is an eternity
And the reaper too will claim the life in me.

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