Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Some People Thrive On Discord

Old cranky Dick is quarrelling with his neighbour
About a matter that makes little sense
He says that Jim is perving on his wife Kate
He caught him peeping o'er the garden fence.

But Jim denies the harmful allegations
He says the old man is dippy in the head
That since he moved in next door to Dick and Kate six years back
Such slanderous things the pair of him have said.

Old Dick and Kate say Jim is a strange fellow
He's thirty years and he doesn't have a wife
And they have yet to see him with a woman
He really does not have much in his life.

Their feud started over a simple matter
When Jim's border collie chased the old pair's tabby cat
They screamed at Jim and a war of words it broke out
And ill feeling has grown from a small thing such as that.

Many bitter feuds come from a small beginning
And hate and mistrust from little things can grow
And I'd like to think that wisdom come with gray hairs
Though sad to say that is not always so.

Old Dick and Kate have lots of gray and wrinkles
She is eighty one and he is eighty four
But they have not learnt from the book of living
They make life hard on the young man next door.

Some people thrive on verbal war and discord
And feuds can often grow from a small 'spat'
And Dick and Kate they hate their next door neighbour
Because his border collie chased their cat.

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