Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Luibin Na Rince

In the Village of Cullen there is the corner of dance
'Luibin na rince' I think it's gaelic name
You see it at the left on hill up Village
If you are journeying northwards towards Kiskeam.

My understanding of the gaelic language
Much to my chagrin isn't very good
And if I had to live in gaelic speaking Ireland
I well might struggle to be understood.

I once knew Cullen man who promoted the gaelic language
But that must have been fifteen years ago
He was great character big Denis Hickey
The helpful fellow with the hair as white as snow.

But getting back to the Luibin Na Rince
I've often wondered how the name first came to be
I once asked one who did not have an answer
He said about it you might know as much as me.

It well may be back in the by gone ages
That on Summer evenings people came to dance
And laughter rang out at the old dance corner
And there young people even found romance.

Whenever I think of the corner of dance
I hear fiddler and accordion player play
And I see people dance jigs, reels and polkas
In Cullen years ago and far away.

And I see lovers arm in arm walking back
To their homes in the cool of Summer night
Down moonlit bohreens by the quiet Village
The crickets chirping in the peace and quiet.

But time bring change and even Cullen Village
With passage of time has undergone great change
And those who lived there eighty years ago or longer
To return now might find the place quite strange.

In the Village of Cullen there is Luibin Na Rince
Which I think translated means the 'Corner Of Dance'
Perhaps in by gone ages young Cullen people came there
To dance and socialize and find romance.

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