Tuesday, May 10, 2011


You've heard the song 'The wild colonial boy'
And oft sung ballad of decades gone by
His name was Jack Doolin from Castlemaine
Where now no trace of his existence remain.

The magpie's song tell Spring not far away
From Castlemaine on this bright August day
A sunny day with scarce a puff of breeze
And new leaves budding on deciduous trees.

In this Town in central Victoria made famous by a song
The links to the pioneering days still strong
And though their's is Australia's oldest history
No traces of Aboriginal culture here I see.

So few acres ploughed for the growing of crops and grain
In the countryside around old Castlemaine
Few acres for the harvester to reap
This is a cattle country with some sheep.

Famed in a song as Jack Doolin's Hometown
Old Castlemaine of folklore and renown
And strong links to it's pioneering past remain
In the cental Victoria country Town of Castlemaine.

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