Monday, May 16, 2011

The Blackbird Young

The blackbird young they leave their nest unable yet to fly
And all day long the parent birds are keeping watch nearby
And they warn their young by chirping loud when danger to them near
And their offsprings in the undergrowth then hide away in fear.

They mob the neighbour's cat next door and mob the birds of prey
And from their vulnerable young they lure danger away
But they don't budge the kookaburra try hard as they may
He scans the ground for movement and on the low branch stay.

That the kookaburra kill and eat young birds the blackbirds seem to know
And whenever one is near their young the tension in them grow
But kookaburra bigger bird than them and efforts to shift him fail
They mob and even peck at him but all to no avail.

The blackbird young have left their nest and now live on the ground
And the parents keep a watch on them and fly around and round
They mob the neighbour's cat next door and mob the birds of prey
But they don't budge the kookaburra try hard as they may.

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