Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Act Of An Unthinker

Who threw the dead calf in the water
That's how plague and sickness is bred
One would have thought that the bone lazy farmer
Would have buried the creature instead
Of dumping him into the river
To rot in the shade of the trees
It's not surprising that so many people
Are suffering and dying of disease?.

I wonder did the thoughtless polluter
Stop even one moment to think
That human kind come to the river
And take of these waters to drink
And that rats eat the flesh of dead carcase
And by rat urine jaundice is spread
And humans who fall victims of jaundice
Will soon be in land of the dead?.

And if the calf died of brucellosis
Then the farmers downland could shoulder the cross
By having their cow herds infected
And suffer a financial loss
And the person affected by brucellosis
Has my unreserved sympathy
As that's a disease I would not wish
Even on my worst enemy?.

The man who dumped the dead calf in the river
Must have an unenlightened mind
Or else he must be misanthropic
A hater of his fellow kind
For disposal of dead creature in this way
As any sane person ought know
Could trigger a spate of diseases
And give rise to suffering and woe.

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