Sunday, July 7, 2013

I Envy Them

I envy them who never yearn for riches and renown
Who with others never compete for success in their side of the town
Quite happy with their lot in life and easily satisfied
The smiling Goddess of Happiness is surely on their side
With others in them they don't have the need for success to compete
For to be best in their neighbourhood or be best on their street
For the demon greed of unhappiness in their minds there's no space
The Human World for them in it is a far happier place
I envy them for their happiness they do know of mind ease
It can be truly said of them that they are not hard to please
At living happy sort of lives they surely do succeed
In that sense one can say of them that they know of success indeed
They feel quite happy in their lives and enjoy every day
And they are successful people in their own sort of way.

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