Sunday, July 28, 2013

On Yellow Tail Black Cockatoos

The funeral birds known to some as whilst others do call them weerloo
But the name they are known to by many is the yellow tail black cockatoo
They live mostly on the dark seeds of the pine cones that they shred with their strong thick bills
Their familiar wee yu calls unmistakeable as they fly above the wooded hills
Big dark brown parrots with yellow outer tail feathers not at all hard to recognize
In small flocks they fly at a slow pace unmistakeable in their familiar cries
They brood their white eggs high in a tree cavity only one chick out of two does survive
It does seem the law of their Nature that the weak must die for the strong to thrive
Their calls never do seem to vary wee yu is all they seem to say
They are birds that i do see often though of the week not every day
To make way for development too many pines are being removed developers about wild life don't care
And it is said that the yellow tail black cockies because of this becoming rare
Many creatures are becoming endangered and all because of human greed
Those who for financial gain destroy habitat for wild-life are guilty of a grave crime indeed.

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