Sunday, July 28, 2013

An Act Of Nature Gave Life To Me

An act of Nature gave life to me and my remains with Nature will lay
For i feel the years catching up on me i have known a far better day
That death is part of life and Nature is factual and fact as we know never lie
The clock on our lives ever ticking like all mortals we are born to die
Some famous people for centuries live on in human history but history too has it's use by date
They too died like all other mortals though they were looked up to as great
Only Nature herself lives forever her Seasons to her come and go
The wildflower that bloom in late Summer will have died weeks before the sloe
Will have ripened to blue on the blackthorn in the chilly days of late Fall
The fate of the sloe and the wildflower is the fate that awaits us all
Some might say that going back three decades does seem a far bit back in time
But on looking back three decade not long when i was just beyond life's prime
The clock on my life keeps on ticking and ticking and ticking away
And for me like all other life forms there will be a last night and last day.

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