Sunday, December 11, 2011

People From A Different World

I met them in the lake park whilst out walking the Universisty Professor and his wife
In their late fifties or maybe early sixties one might say they had seen a bit of life
As we were walking in the same direction we began to chat as we sauntered along
On a warm and breezy morning in December the magpie on the wattle was in song.

He said he was a University Professor and he introduced himself to me as Sam
And he was quick to tell me of his exploits as a decorated soldier in Vietnam,
His hair was dyed dark for to match his dark toupe the signs of age he did his best to hide
And for his age he looked in rather good shape and he had preserved most of his manly pride.

His wife her hair dyed brown looked young for her years she introduced herself to me as Sue
And she had visited the plastic surgeon for she had a face lift perhaps even two,
I thought her to be a bit self conceited she had about her an important air
With them I would not form a bond of friendship for little in common with them I seemed to share.

One might say people from a different world I cannot boast of a University degree,
I've never been a soldier fought in battle but we all are different would you not agree?
With them I struggled for to hold a conversation and they must have found me very boring too
But birds of a feather always flock together and each to their own so happens to be true.

That all human beings do share something in common is something that is open to debate
The Uni Professor and his rather prudish Mrs would never want to have me as their mate
One well might say they live in a different circle and each to their own forever will remain
We were only walking in the same direction and we met by chance but may never meet again.

As we said goodbye they wished me well in parting and them again I never more may meet
They come from south of here a leafy suburb their mercedes by the parkway was parked on the street
The magpie he was piping on the wattle and the sparrows chirping on the sunlit trees
It was indeed a pleasant sunday morning made more pleasant by a warm freshening breeze.

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