Sunday, December 11, 2011

On Receiving A Phone Call From Jimmy Sullivan

It had been a few years since I last heard from Jimmy Sullivan a friend of mine who lives in Millstreet Town
But very lately early in the morning he gave me a ring for to give me the run down
Of the recent happenings in my old home Parish where I took leave of many years ago
Going by what he had said the changes have been happening and if I returned to there now the place I'd hardly know.

He told me that refugees now live in Millstreet they came from war torn countries far away
As guests of Noel C Duggan at his Drishane Lodge lets hope that some of them will chose to stay
And build their new lives in my old home parish a multicultural Duhallow something new
The introduction of new blood brings with it a new freshness and Millstreet with new blood could surely do.

He told me of the passing of John Corcoran he played football for Millstreet years ago
And a very well loved and respected lady Mrs Cronin who lived in Minor Row
In Millstreet they will always be remembered and their names as always will be to the fore
Good people never die they merely move on and may they rest in peace forever more.

In Millstreet it would seem that the changes have been happening but nothing in life ever stays the same
In my home Parish I might feel a stranger not many there now I might know by name
It's been said that absence makes the heart grow fonder I once felt homesick for my old home shore
But I have shed all of my tears for Ireland and I don't feel nostalgic any more.

Still a phone call from Jimmy Sullivan is always welcome for news from the old hometown I love to hear
It brings me nearer to the hill of Clara and miles of distance seems to disappear
And though from North Cork and Ireland I live distant my heritage I always feel proud to claim
For I'll always be one who came from Duhallow and a Millstreet man I always will remain.

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