Sunday, December 11, 2011

His Name Not Even Mentioned

life's so called losers hardly matter that's what government
ministers think
The poor bloke found dead on the park bench was addicted to alcoholic drink
His remains discovered by a jogger but they never told us why
He did not have a home for shelter or a bed on which to lie?

No they never told us anything about the poor bloke's life
If he had ever fathered children or if he had ever had a wife,
If he had a happy childhood if he knew his mum and dad
Or if he was a lone child or if siblings he'd had?

On page five of the local paper an insertion measuring a square inch
Stated a man in his mid forties found dead on a park bench
His name not even mentioned as if he did not count at all
His contribution to society was seen to be too small.

The night was cold and windy he was frozen to the bone
And without a roof for shelter he was left to die alone
All in the depths of Winter in weather most severe
A victim of the elements in the coldest time of year.

His death all but went unnoticed he barely made the local news
And he has been discredited as one who liked his booze
Still he was not a criminal just his own worst enemy
And many of the rich and famous as people not as good as he.

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