Sunday, December 11, 2011


Snowball the white silky bantam rooster he does the things all roosters like to do
Amongst his hens in Steve's and Annie's garden he utters forth his cock a doodle doo
The bigger hens they don't seem to respect him though that fact snowball does not seem to rue
He sticks close to his white silky bantams each to his own so happens to be true.

He scrape the earth and leaves by tree and to the hens he cackle but the big hens do not respond to his food call
The silky hens they eat what he's uncovered just like they say one cannot win them all
Then he raises his white head and he gives his small crow as if to sing out this is my territory
He cannot win respect from all of his females but that doesn't seem to dent his vanity.

His head held high he's a proud little fellow and amongst his silky bantams he stands tall
But the bigger hens are not enamoured with him perhaps for them they think him that bit small
But he does not deny them of his sexual favours and he has fathered chickens to the big and smaller hen
Yet even in the world of a rooster respect a thing one cannot always win.

Snowball is a snow white silky bantam and he struts around the garden looking proud
And he crows as loud as his lungs allow him to but his loudest crow is not that very loud
When he finds food he calls his hens around him though the bigger hens don't respond to his call
But such is life if you're a silky bantam a little rooster whose name is Snowball.

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