Sunday, April 21, 2013

Why Ask Me Of Poetry

Why ask me of poetry or who is or is not a poet
Or who is not worthy or worthy of note
Since in literature I do not have a literary degree
For an opinion on such a matter ask one other than me
The style of poetry has changed with the passing of time
And by modern critics seen as old fashioned now verses that rhyme
Though with their opinions not everyone does agree
We all look at things one might say differently
What seems marvelous to you may not be so to me
Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder is how it seems to be
On what is or is not poetry my ignorance I must show
For in all honesty I must say of it so little I can claim to know
Though I do have a preference for verses that rhyme
Suppose I'm an old fashioned man in a modern time.

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