Saturday, April 27, 2013

Nature And Her Beauty

I've written so much about Nature yet of Nature so little I do know
Yet I cannot help but sing her praises and my wonder of her only grow
The beauty that she does create we do not pay to see
And I feel we do belong to her though with that many may not agree
Her presence is in every Land from North to Southern shore
And what can anyone say of her that has not been said before
And of singing her praises how can one ever tire
Mysterious and beautiful is the one billions do admire
I have sung Nature's praises in my simple doggerel rhyme
But any sort of praise for her is not a waste of time
Her beauty and her voices I see and hear every day
The pee wee he is singing in the park across the way
And the honeyeaters chirping on the flowering wattle tree
And Nature and her beauty is always near to me.

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