Tuesday, April 30, 2013

To Judge By Appearance

I have seen many things in my six decades of years
I have seen women weep seen macho men in tears
But the strangest thing that I ever did see
Is this tall powerful young bloke in his life's prime twenty three
Scream aloud in fear as he ran from his house
And the cause of his fear was a tiny brown mouse
Down at the local pub he is full of masculine elan
And by his mates he's looked up to as a macho man
But if his mates knew what I know of him they'd think differently
He is not the brave fellow that he appears to be
It just goes to prove as some are known to say
That the most muscular man can be weak in some way
In life every-day for us some new surprise
And to judge by appeareance is not very wise.

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