Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Those Grand Old Balladeers

Whatever happened to them those grand old balladeers
Are they lost and gone forever like the long forgotten years
The times are ever changing suppose they had their day
And will we see their likes again perhaps we never may?

They belong to another age some have been known to say
And for young and modern entertainers the old timers made way
Still we miss them from the barroom where they filled our nights with cheer
And we joined them in the chorus as we sat and drank our beer.

We miss them from the barroom their songs we did enjoy
And they left us with good memories and good memories with us till we die
They were seen as out of fashion and their music out of date
And father time took care of them and father time for anyone doesn't wait.

Their songs had us in laughter and their songs had us in tears
And we miss them from the barroom those grand old balladeers
The last of an old culture they lived to entertain
And their fiddles and accordions in fancy we hear again.

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