Wednesday, December 7, 2011

If We Had Old Ireland Here

An old Irish bloke was singing 'If We Had Old Ireland Here'
And sad faced Bridie stifled her tears and Pat sipped on his beer
And memories flooded back to them of places far away
And butterflies in Summer flitted o'er the new mown hay.

For forty years in this vast land they have lived as man and wife
Far from the land where they had spent their first twenty years of life
They hailed from the same Parish where their love blossomed and grew
Before their great adventure back in nineteen sixty two.

It's not that they now feel homesick for that was years ago
And their life now is far better than the life they once did know
It's just that an old familiar song stirred up old memories
Of that old wood where they first made love when the birds sang on the trees.

Their grandchildren teenagers now and the years go quickly by
And many seasons have come and gone since they were girl and boy
And birds chirped on the hedgerows in the fields beside the hill
As they walked to school on the mountain road in the early morning chill.

An old Irish bloke was singing 'If We Had Old Ireland Here'
And it stirred old memories in them at the end of an old year
And fancy took them to the wood where their love blossomed and grew
Before their great adventure in nineteen sixty two.

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