Saturday, December 3, 2011

So Many

So many doggerelists introduce themselves as poets and of self proclaimed writers have joined the growing band
But that they should promote their work as important seems easy for to understand
For in a world where those into self promotion seem successful the modest and the humble lose out
But self praise will always be self praise and that's not what talent's about.

Though we are in a time of self promotion the true poets as ever are few
And that poets are born and not made as has always has been is still true,
Look at Scotland's national bard Robert Burns he did not have a literary degree
Yet he became the poet of the people and very few as great as he.

And then there's John Clare the great bard of Helpston he was one who did not self promote
Yet do not tell me that he was inferior or that he was not a great poet
He died in the Northampton asylum and in his life time was not that well known
Yet amongst the great writers of Nature he is in a class of his own.

And what about the great James Clarence Mangan the poet who wrote 'Dark Rosaleen'
A poem that will live on forever for as long as Ireland's fields are green
In 1849 he died of cholera whilst he was in his writing prime
And his poems still read and recited whilst most others have lost out to time.

So many introduce themselves as poets and their self conceit never cease to amaze
But the proof of a poem's in the reading and self praise it never is praise,
They keep on inflating their own egos whilst others try to drag them down
But then suppose they are entitled for to own their own dreams of renown.

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