Monday, December 5, 2011

The Politician

Just prior to the election he'll shake your hand as if he were your mate
But when you put to him a question his answer won't be straight
He will bend and twist your question before his ambiguous reply
But then he is a Politician and they've been known to lie.

In the Chamber of the Parliament his opponents he chide
As he probes hard for a weakness for advantage for his side
His opponents interrupt him but his shout drown out their din
Just like the Schoolyard bully the loudest voice will win.

A member of the Parliament that the People voted in
And out amongst the people he wears a silly grin
And his face mirrors the people are the people all that bright?
On election day they have their chance but they seldom get it right.

The poll driven Politician is hard to put to shame
And the most of his fellow Parliamentarians you'll find are much the same
To lie to him comes easy he looks you in the eye
And without once even blinking he tells you a barefaced lie.

He's our elected representative our very own M P
And on polling day I met him and he shook hands with me
But the next morning when I met him he looked the other way
And my very best friend yesterday did not know me today.

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