Saturday, December 3, 2011

Jack And Rosy

From Rina's house to Loch street a half a mile away
You see Jack drive his holden ute sometimes twice a day
And old Rosy the dog loving the drive is always on the back
And where ever you'll see Rosy more than likely you'll see Jack.

A white and dark brown beagle, pointer cross Jack reckons she's fourteen
And as dogs go you well might say that her better days she's seen
And with a huge visible lump on her backside a cancerous growth maybe?
Still there's lots of life in Rosy yet she won't die easily.

Rosy don't know she's an old dog that she's near life's final page
She romps around like a young one and she's lively for her age
She acts like one still in her prime a three year old or four
She hunts the magpies from the yard and she chases the cat next door.

She'll be the last dog I will have at least that's what Jack say
But I feel he'll get another one when Rosy pass away
For he's an animal lover and he's had animals for years
In his farming days he had cats and dogs as well as cows and steers.

He drives his ute around Wonthaggi with his dog on the back
And even the school children say there goes Rosy and Jack
And Rosy despite her great age won't bow to father time
She chases the magpies and the cats as if still in her prime.

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