Friday, August 2, 2013

So Why Waste Time On Regretting

The clock on our lives is ticking and ticking ever fast
So why waste time on regretting your mistakes of the past
Just learn from your experiences and enjoy life if you can
The longest life it does seem in time not a long span
The past it is behind us the future is ahead
And we cannot live forever though we will be forever dead
Make the most of the present we only can live in the now
Our time span only terminal like the sheep or the cow
You can only learn from experience on what you have done and seen
So why waste your time lamenting on the what might have been
Time seems to pass so quickly we soon grow tired and old
And in the end does it matter if your life story is not told
You can only live in the present and time does tick on fast
And every day we do live is one day nearer to our last.

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