Monday, April 30, 2012

So Old

So old is the stream from the mountain that down to the big river flow
Far older than the first dinosaurs who died out many seasons ago
Forever 'twill flow to the river the river that flows to the sea
On it there cannot be a time span Nature seems so timeless to me.

So old is the cliff by the ocean the cliff that has a face of stone
The child of a volcanic eruption it's birth-date will never be known
Far older than the first hairy mammoth it does not seem to grow older with time
The artists have sketched it for it's rugged beauty and the bards by it inspired to rhyme.

So old is the lake in the valley swelled by the waters off of the hill
It only gave birth to one daughter the clear and free flowing mountain rill
That flows down to the flatter country it's voice one can never mistake
As old as the hill and that is old and as old as it's mother the lake.

So old is the gray haired old fellow though in time he does seem rather young
He lives in the house by the river and his praises have never been sung
In time's eye humans have a brief span and on looking back time seems to fly
And the longer we live which is not long the sooner we are going to die.

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