Thursday, November 24, 2011

The Flowers That Bloometh In The Urban Garden

The flowers that bloometh in the urban garden
Make beautiful the small green garden tree
And city flowers in their full bloom look lovely
As beautiful as you might wish to see.

The urban woman waters her small garden
In late evening just as the sun goes down
To water in the hot sun cause plant damage
They know of Nature too in the big town.

There's as much beauty in a well kept urban garden
As a well kept garden in the countryside
Many urban people too like things of beauty
And in their gardens too take lots of pride.

It's true that there's more pollution in the city
But only because more people living there
And to say that all urban dwellers are pollutants
To say the least might seem a bit unfair.

The flowers that bloometh in the urban garden
Make beautiful the little garden tree
And blooming city garden too look lovely
As beautiful as you might wish to see.

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