Tuesday, May 8, 2012

To Want To Be Liked

To want to be liked is a natural thing 'tis a strange one who would wish to be hated
But few things more arrogant 'twould seem to me as the arrogance of the self celebrated
They tell everybody of how marvellous they are they do like to sing their own praises
And that they win admirers by praising themselves the naivety of some it amazes.
To sing one's own praises is common nowadays the name for it is self promotion
The advertising of self to the big World out there ia a new religion known as self devotion
Self praise it is no praise some are known to say though it does work for some in some cases
Their faces become famous or so it would seem in a World of billions of faces,
Narcissism is spreading like a noxious weed across the hill that leads to power and glory
And some only interested or so it would seem in the promotion of their own life story
The truly great people are humble at heart they are not seekers of attention
Their own praises they are not known for to sing their own name they seldom do mention
And though to want to be liked is a natural thing some do indulge in self devotion
And in the modern World it is seen as okay to be good at your own self promotion.

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