Sunday, May 27, 2012


When one looks at snobbery that leads to class distinction this thing is not what it does seem
For snobbery is born of ignorance a bastard child of low self esteem
People of low self esteem glorify royalty whilst on others they choose to look down
They ostracize people with their words and make them outcasts of their town.

To me snobs are not quite right people snobbery is a form of mental disease
And when someone tells me without asking of their great job and of their many degrees
I say 'good on you' being polite but to myself I can only say
That this person does not feel successful the symptons are a give away.

People who worry about their social standing are those with a point for to prove
For to climb one more step of the social ladder they plan ahead on their next move
The concept of egalatarianism to their kind will never apply
The three most important people in their lives will always be me, myself and I.

When one looks at snobbery that leads to class distinction then one can only conclude
That the snobs of this World are not wise people they do seem so ignorant and rude
And since they do not believe in equality or in the concept of the fair go for all
They are not what one would call wise people and in their own small Worlds they even seem small.

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