Sunday, December 4, 2011

You May Not

You may not be a famous person or cannot boast of a degree
And you may be at the bottom of the human social tree
But if you can laugh a little and spread some happiness
And leave this world without harming another person your life's been a success.

You may not be one of the leaders who send the troops to war
But they are not successful when they take their power too far
They may be the heroes of the masses and renowned in verse and song
But never mind the people as they often get it wrong.

You may not be a famous sports person or a world renowned film star
And you may not own a palace and drive the most expensive car
But if you have helped somebody by others counted out
Then you have done something special that's what life should be about.

You may not be a person that others wish to know
And for your time of worldly wealth do not have much to show
But you stand up for the one that others have dragged down
And you don't differentiate between black, white and brown.

With the so called successful people you do not socialize
And you may not seem important in other people's eyes
But for to help out others you go out of your way
And your life is a great success despite what some might say.

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