Monday, December 12, 2011

Written In October 2001

All I see are two ageing power hungry men squabbling for the lion's share
And who will win Howard or Beazley? don't ask me I don't care
The Labor party and the Coalition seem very much the same to me
As neither of them have once promised for to combat poverty.

For the growing scourge of poverty they don't offer any cure
But then suppose not many votes in the favouring of the poor
And not many of the homeless vote when it comes to polling day
But who could blame them for their apathy when they must live in such a way.

When I hear talk of budget surpluses by the major party politicians I feel cause for concern
For who will keep the budget in the black ought not be hard to discern
It's the working poor and the very poor who always suffer the most
And because of neglect for them the Government of their budget surplus boast.

Who will win the Federal Election that won't be worrying me
For whoever forms Government won't be combating poverty
They squabble for the lion's share and seek their own renown
And they only govern for those at the top end of the Town.

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