Saturday, December 10, 2011

Written In June 01

I thought I would go home for Spring but Spring at home now over
And Summer nears her prime there now and flowers bloom on the clover
In my homeland this time of year it can be nice and sunny
But for to get from here to there I don't have enough money.

Yet the home fields from me don't seem far when I start visualizing
And I fancy I can hear the wild birds sing just as the sun is rising
And skylark flies from his hidden nest to carol o'er the rushes
And from that tiny heart of his sweet music freely gushes.

If I could fly like the migratory bird the coast line I too would follow
And I would fly north all the way until I reached Duhallow
The winds would help me on my way and to home me deliver
A rushy field near Millstreet Town by the old Finnow river.

I envy those who stay at home their sedentary existence
Against the bug of wanderlust they have inbuilt resistance
Contented in their lot in life with no desire to wander
Beyond the shores of their home land into the great wide yonder.

I planned to go home for the Spring with old friends to be re-united
But by circumstance as often before my hopes again been blighted
It's Summer now in my home land and the weather may be sunny
But for to get from here to there I don't have enough money.

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