Tuesday, December 6, 2011

To Mick Casey

'Twas Mary wrote to tell me that you had not been well
That you've had a hip replacement operation and had a few days of hell
But that now you're feeling better and as good as new again
I wish you health and happiness and a future free of pain.

My thoughts are with you Mick Casey and though I am not one to pray
I hope you'll make a full recovery and who knows in the not too distant day
That to your home in Tooreenbawn a visit I will pay
Where I now live might seem distant but 'tis not that far away.

My thoughts are with you Michael you've been through a hard time
And old Ireland in the Winter has a cold unpleasant clime
But rest up and keep warm and you will be okay
And you'll feel good as new again when the flowers will bloom in May.

I feel glad to count you as a friend and I can well recall
A man as large as life itself and in you nothing small
Your subtle sense of humor and your depth of knowledge great
And to my sister Margaret you've been a true soul mate.

You had your operation in the coldest time of year
But that you are on the improve is news I love to hear
You are my friend and mentor and my friends to me are dear
And when I wish you health and happiness my wishes are sincere.

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