Thursday, December 1, 2011

To George W

George W Bush you are only on a loser when your culture on others you try to impose
You well may give the Iraqis a new leader but a rose by any other name's a rose
The leader they will elect he may not suit you and like Saddam he will thumb his nose at you
You should have known before ordering your invasion that each to their own so happens to be true.

George W you are not doing the west a favour by starting off this war of us and they
What made you think that it would be all so easy when for every war the price is huge to pay?
Thousands of people dead or maimed already you don't get a flower by planting the seed of a noxious weed
You only listened to the ill informed the lessons of the past you failed to heed.

George W you've not done Iraq a favour you've taken your hatred of Saddam too far
'Twill take Iraq at least a couple of decades for to recover from this awful war,
You will retire to your big ranch in Texas and like your predecessors the good life you'll enjoy
But sad to think that because of your stupidity so many decent people had to die.

George W you will only be remembered as the one who caused this great cultural divide
Your bombers have caused death and left many homeless and Iraq and Afghanistan thanks to you destroyed
Yet you and your wife will retire to your ranch in Texas and you will die as a famous billionaire
Whilst mothers thanks to you grieve for their dead children and for some doesn't life seem terribly unfair?

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