Friday, December 9, 2011

The Teacher Of Psychology

Psychologists claim our body language to our personality gives a clue
But when a pretty woman smiles and says hello to you
It doesn't mean that for you she has fallen or that it's love at first sight
She is just a friendly person who to others is polite.

You thought her body language told you that this one fancies me
And in her smiling features only love signs you could see
But you may have formed the wrong opinions and what you think may well not be
For your better sense of judgement clouded by your vanity.

You have been through University and you have your degree
In a subject dear to your heart human psychology
But if you think a woman fancies you when she smiles and says hello
Of body language and psychology you still have heaps to know.

It has been said that if one doesn't look you in the face of that person beware
But that sounds so judgemental and such judgements are unfair
The reason that some people cannot look you in the eye
Is because they lack in confidence which cause them to be shy.

To the teacher of psychology she smiled and said good day
But he came to the wrong conclusion and to his friends he did say
That to him she took a fancy and it was love at first sight
But the pretty stranger to him only friendly and polite.

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