Saturday, December 10, 2011

Mrs Golga

Sometimes I see Mrs Golga hanging the washing out to dry
She is mother to seven children to six girls and a boy
Her children aged between one and eleven and a few difficult births she has been through
And society ought to thank her for the good job that she do.

Add to that her husband Andrew and include herself that adds to nine
And that makes for a huge load of washing for to hang out to dry on the line
Yet as she works she's always singing happy with her lot in life
Happy to be a good mother and to her husband a good wife.

Thirty three years Mrs Golga has shoulder length curly brown hair
Such a warm and lovely person she seems free of any care
And her children too seem happy despite the odd growing up tear
The good mother for her children builds a happy family atmosphere.

Sometimes I see Mrs Golga walking from the Super store
Pushing a shopping trolley full of groceries 150 dollars worth or more
With a wave she always greets me and a big smile and cheery hello
Though people like her becoming rarer people like her are nice to know.

There ought to be more like Mrs Golga she would not know how to be rude
For one who raises seven children she's always in a good mood
She is a woman in a billion happy with her lot in life
Happy to be a good mother and to Andrew a good wife.

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